Selasa, 13 Juli 2010


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ngedenger si dy udah punya gebetan lgi, dan ternyata dy sukanya pada padangan pertama lagi --" ckck
itu ngebuat gw down, mhh.. yaudahlah mundur aja gw, huhu
gw ga mau berharap lg dah, gw jga udah cape cma bsa berharap yg ga akan trjadi! kita bertemen aja deeehh :p

mungkin kalo kita bertemen lebih asik deh! iya ga? haha
gut lak ya boy! sukses buat lu :)

Minggu, 11 Juli 2010

Relationship Compatibilities Of A #Pisces

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#Pisces - #Aries: On the whole, the Aries and the Pisces are nicely compatible, with neither overly desirous of interfering with the other’s approach to life, but rather complementing it instead. Yet there will be times when they experience some heated (Aries) or chilly (Pisces) encounters.

#Pisces- #Taurus: They tend to sashay around a situation, creating various conclusions to make it interesting or slide out the exit if controversy surfaces. Whereas Taurus, being concerned with the need for facing reality, will stand there and endure anything they have to face with open courage and remain there until point is proven. One wouldn’t believe they’d be compatible, but when Taurus and Pisces come together they are understanding of one another’s weaknesses. Pisces are considered old souls and whether they have their head in the clouds or are fighting the odds they believe in harmony and beauty.

#Pisces- #Gemini: A more intelligent Pisces will be attracted to Gemini’s child like tendencies. Pisces will not think twice about taking a break from their own wandering lives to move into the fantasy world of the Gemini. Even though they tend to do this, they do not wish the same invasion into their own world. To try to explore into the mind of a Pisces is something that will not be tolerated. If Gemini is persistent, Pisces will maneuver, lie, manipulate or even refuse to indulge in Gemini to get themselves out of the situation and perhaps even out of the relationship all together. Without the response Gemini loves to create from Pisces, the Gemini will begin to get bored and perhaps let the relationship end.

#Pisces- #Cancer: According the Pisces, money despite being a necessity is an evil. They do not want to get too attached to money. Their motto in life is just to earn money so that their basic needs are fulfilled and not invest too much of their energy by thinking about money. They like to turn their attention towards money only when they are in dire need of the same. Pisces cannot be considered economical with their money whereas the Cancer loves to save money. Cancer is a homebody whereas Pisces loves to travel and explore new places.

#Pisces- #Leo: Between Pisces charming compliments and Leo’s ability to take charge and make decisions the union formed between the two will be a strong one. They will be able to encourage each other as well as compliment each other. The essence of what is created will be a comfortable, deep and blissful one. They will work well together in any instance, whether it be in business or any other aspect in life if they just give it a good effort. Pisces must remember, when dealing with a Leo, they should throw in an occasional praise, as long as it sounds sincere, and admiration in conversing with them. This will make Leo a better person in generosity and in loyalty. It will also tend to soothe the beast when they need to be tamed. Leo should realize that a gentle hand is sometimes better than aggression and authority when dealing with a Pisces. There isn’t a lot of contrast between Leo and Pisces. They tend to get along quite well and will easily adapt to each other. The outward dominance of Leo, even if they try to tone it down to a gentle touch, is accepted by Pisces more than they will let on. Their submissive nature will welcome Leo’s control as long as it is put forth with affection and love.

#Pisces - #Virgo: On a daily basis, the Pisces will keep the Virgo very busy with new problems to analyze and solve. This can bring an excitement to the Virgos life they have never experienced before. If the Pisces does not allow the Virgo to bully their dreams right out of their mind, the Virgo can learn a lot about the spiritual side of their beings. The Pisces will learn emotional stability from the Virgo. An emotionally unstable Pisces is a very ugly sight. When the Pisces is emotionally stable their creativity flows.

#Pisces- #Libra: When quarreling, Libra and Pisces are better off using their finer qualities in resolving such disputes. If grudges are held, nothing will be resolved. Pisces should give Libra a good dose of their compassion and Libra should add one of their radiant smiles. This capped off with a bit of humor will dissolve any quarrels they may have between each other and allow them to pick up, dust off and continue down the path that fate put them on. Pisces has a tendency to use religion in debating with Libra. It has many positives and negatives pertaining to many reasons why the two should have a quarrel. As Pisces uses the pros and cons of their religious view points, Libra will go from one side to the other as they sort out the differences and reasoning why or why not Pisces may make a valid point. Pisces will help Libra in their decision making, causing a more stable and harmonious bond between them.

#Pisces- #Scorpio: When controversy or argument does arise between the two, Scorpio must keep in mind the sensitive nature that Pisces holds and that the Scorpion sting could do more damage than good to their lover if done too severely. Too severe to Pisces is a much milder sting than most others could endure and rather than try to fight it, they will simply disappear. They will both need to keep their personal differences at bay so as to not make waves in such a wonderful relationship. Independence and social outlooks will help in broadening the bonds that form here as well as a wide variety of outside interests. Communication between them is not necessary when two people are so in tune with each other such as the Scorpion and the Pisces. They automatically know just what the other one wants, needs or what makes them smile.

#Pisces- #Sagittarius: Rather than trying to grab hold and pull each other out of their comfortable lifestyles, they would be better off going and doing what they go and do best then bringing a piece of that world back to their companion to show them that it is indeed real and it may not be a bad experience or place to discover from time to time. Pisces being comfortable in their sound and secure world and Sagittarius wanting to fly to the moon and back. They will do no good for each other if they try to shut the other one down. Their best bet is to let them live their lives the way they want to, occasionally returning to each other to give a synopsis of how things went. It is the best way for this relationship to work.

#Pisces- #Capricorn: On the other side of things, Capricorn’s grounded and well thought out decision making will clash with Pisces and their extreme inability to make any decisions at all. This will cause irritability in the Capricorn that they will need to work out if they want to avoid argument. If dominance is formed, it will be within the Capricorn, leaving Pisces in the shadows. The Pisces will be left to feel alone and vulnerable and will eventually lose sight of who they are resulting in retaliation away from the relationship and very possibly toward drugs, alcohol, or some other crutch to ‘help’ them through. They may just disappear, however, never to be seen or heard from again. This is their scapegoat in dealing with trouble within a relationship.

#Pisces- #Aquarius: Aquarius and Pisces have whimsical similarities, but they also have very hard core differences. When Aquarius will have their head in the clouds, Pisces will dream of something real, something tangible that is reachable by just about anyone. When it comes to anger, Pisces is not easily set off, but when they are you might want to just back off and let them cool down. They will eventually but not without spouting off a series of angry words before retreating in silence. Aquarius, however, is easier to set off and will not let things go until they prove themselves right.

#Pisces- #Pisces: With a bit of compromise on both parts and a push or a shove here and there to keep each other up on a level, Pisces will love Pisces for a long time. Their love will grow on a mental level as well as spiritually. The physical nature of things is so minute compared to what they can experience between the two. They will need to be stronger and understand the needs of each other. In doing so they will become a harmonious and mentally stimulating duo. Hence, Pisces could make a great couple only when they work together and choose a specific direction in life. Also they’ll need to be stronger and take right decisions at right time, because life is a tough game.

Senin, 05 Juli 2010

kata mereka, *diriku* (?)

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hmm ..
ini adalah pendapat tentang gw, dari orang-orang terdekat gw *lebih tepatnya yg gw sayangi*, menurut mereka, dari sudut pandang atau dari KACAMATA kotak-kotaknya
gw ituuuuuuuuuuu ..

dari sahabat-sahabat gw dulu yaa ..
setelah gw introgasi *halah* hasilnya adalah (apa coba?)

menurut Tika Restiyani :
kalo menurut gw, chichi itu SAHABAT gw yg baik hati dan tidak sombong *lebay*
(itu gw yg nulis sendiri, tp gw tau dy psti setuju ap yg gw tulis tadi! iya ga tik? haha)
kali ini serius, nih kata si tika yg gw wawancarai tadi : chichi itu GILA, SARAP, STRESS, EDAN (emangnya edan sma gila apa bedanya? ckck), TOMBOY GILA, BAE? *kyanya lebih tepatnya FRONTAL (emang artinya frontal apa neng? tau gw? jgn asal jeplak aje lu), BERANI nantangin cowo BERANTEM, bisanya manfaatin gw doang n gw mau lg d manfaatin. (lah siapa yg manfaatin lu? kita kan sahabat, jd harus saling tlong menolong kalo lg kesusahan, betul tidak?)

kalo menurut sahabat gw yang satu ini (Nandia Yoshi Intan Naumi / Yoshi)
tadi pas gw wawancara,
gw: eh yos, nih tulis sma kya tika ya
yoshi: apaan nih? pndapat tntang lu?
gw: iye ..
setelah dy menulisny lngsng d ksh k gw (iyalah msa d ksh ke jin d sblahnya --")
dan gw baca yg dy tulis ..
eng ing engggg ...
dy nulis singkat sekali yaitu, ETA mau tau singkatannya? (Eeq, Tahik, Anjing)
JAHHHHHH!!! gw nyeletuk, haha apaan nih udah eeq, tahik, anjing pula --"
yoshi: ntar dulu ah, gw lagi ga mood

yasudah #abaikan nanti akan di klarisifikasi lebih lanjut

abis itu gw tanya lagi ke salah satu temen gw Shiela (eh, kita temen bukan sih? hahaha *kidding :p)
shiela: . dih awkawka .. tumben nanya gitu .. LUCU, BAIK, ASIK di ajak ngobrol, kadang-kadang NYEBELIN *kadang-kadangkan? haha*, CEREWET (?) *sejak kpan gw cerewet?*, RUSUH, rada-rada X-TREME *cuma d jlan raya saja ko :p wkwk kapok ya d ajak ngetrak?*, CERIA . wkwk peace :p (yaelah santai aja kali sma gw mah =))

yuu lanjuutt ciin ..
sekarang giliran siapa yaaa?
oh iya ini slah satu temen maen gw di *dunia mayat* namanya Zhuartitha Octavianny (Titha)
stelah gw introgasi katanya: hhmm.. *BAIK, CARE, EASY GOING, WARM, PECICILAN, apa lg ya? hhmm..
gw tanya lagi, *udah gitu doang?* trs dy bilang *lw itu anaknya bu Ella wkwk*
NAAAAHH!! itu yg paling BENERR!!! ckckck
di sela-sela perbincangan gw tnya,
gw: ha? warm?
titha: hangat.. tp bukan aer panas dodol ! *lah yg blang aer panas sopo toh ndo?* ckck
and *bla bla bla*

perkenalkan ini Lina Mala Sofia, dy ngefans banget sama liliana natsir (bener kan lin? haha) setelah gw berbincang-bincang dan dy sedikit bertanya-tanya, buat apa sih? kurang kerjaan amat *ya suka-suka gw dong! woooo* akhirnya dy menjawab juga "TERLALU SANTAI ama hidup , kalo soal sekolah lu trlalu BERGANTUNG ama bokap lu , kalo soal temenan , lu ASIK DI JADIIN TEMEN (kalo di jadiin pacar asik ga? HAHA emangnya gw cewe apaan ><" haha)

selanjutnya ..
M Anggita Rahma (itu M nya Muhammad ya? haha sengaja d sensor soalnya dy g suka d pnggil nma depannya, sebut saja CUMI)
katanya sih gw itu, NGESELIN, JAIL, suka bikin gw KESEL, tp BAE kok, trus ASIK BUAT GILA-GILAAN *jelas asik, gw kan orang GILA!! haha*

nah itu kata temen-temen sekolah gw (tapi belom sempet gw wanwancarain semua baru ini orok berdua doang -,-) ntar yg laen nyusul yaa .. ga usah ngiri gitu deh :p

lanjuuutt gan !!
Syara Fina (Fina) : tadi gw abis chat sma si fina,*bla bla bla* trs dy blang "cici orang na LUCU , BAIK pula orang na .. RAJIN MENABUNG nd TIDAK SOMBONG . hahahhahah" *gw ga akan pernah sombong ko :p*

lanjut ke siapa yaa?
mhh.. kayanya baru segitu doang deh yg gw wawancarain -,-
yauda deh ntar gw lanjutin lagi di episode mendatang ..
berhubung waktu sudah menunjukan pukul 02:20 WIB dan mata gw udah merem melek alias ngantuk berat. saya Syifa Syauqy Alby pamit undur diri :p hahaha
see ya :*

Sabtu, 03 Juli 2010

ohh pacar pertama

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weiitss ..
pertama kalinya gw pacaran, di tembak *duarduar* sama cowo. waahh gilaaa kalau kata eyang titiek pupsa mah "jatuh cinta berjuta rasanya, biar siang biar malam terbayang wajahnya" yapp! itu yg terjadi pada diri gw saat gw jatuh cintaaaa .. haha

pertama kalinya gw pacaran kelas 3 smp, dy baru kelas 1 smp! hahaha
*cinta monyet*

hemm begini..

ini anak tiba-tiba sms gw malem-malem, saat itu gw baru nyampe di yogja. ehh ehh tapi dy smsny mlah ngajakin gw by 1 maen audition, dy ngerjain gw dululah, waktu itu gw blm tau nomer dy, sampe akhirnya dy ngaku juga :p

yaudah disitu kita smsan terus, eh gw malah di suruh ganti m3, wktu itu gw pke xL. alesannya sih biar lebih murah ke sesama, (cukup di terima alesannya) haha
ntah knpa gw nurut aja lagi --" and gw langsung ngibrit minjem motor taun jebot pnyanya (sebut aja) om gw, dengan kecepatan penuh itu motor (itu udah paling pool, tp tetep aja lelet) gw nyari counter d sono, udah jauh pada tutup semua -__- ckck, dan akhirnya gw nemuin juga tuh counter yg di ujung kulon! *girang*

yaudah gw balik ke rumah, and langsung cepet-cepet dong sms dy, trs gw tnya "eh eh kok ga bisa ngecek pulsa ye? padahalkan gw uda registrasi" *cemas*, eh dy blang ga tau! *jeehh ;swet* heemm .. (anjriit ternyata belom gw matiin tuh hp! tolol! pantes aja ga bisa. ckck)

(yauda deh lupain aja masalah itu :p lanjuuutt) ..
kita smsan terus tuh, ngebahas inilah itulah, dll. eh ga ada angin, ga ada ujan, apalagi gledek, badaipun tak ada tiba-tiba dy nembak gw! otomatis shok dong gw, and ga tau apa yg gw rasain saat itu, seneng iya, ga percaya iya, pokoknya campur aduk! udah kaya gado-gado. yg gw inget waktu itu lagi lebaran loh :p

namanya juga masih labil, soalnya kan gw masih bocah, ya gw maen terima-terima aja deh :p *mesammesem*
waah gilaaa.. disitu gw seneng banget, akhirnya gw punya pacar juga! *loncat-loncat sambil guling-guling di lantai*

ya ga lama juga gw pacaran sama dy, hampir sebulan! huhu ><" tapi yg masih gw inget sampe saat ini, wktu itu udah malemlah sekitar jam 10an, gw suruh dy dateng kesini, temen gw sms (pake hp gw) *demi aku yank* alah .. tp dy dateng jga nemuin gw *demi gw* haha gw jdi *malu* ya ternyata emang bener first love (cinta pertama) itu susah banget di lupainnya! hhu..
sampai saat ini gw masih belom bisa ngelupain dy! kalau kata SHE mah, "can't stop thinking about you boy, karena kaulah jantung hatiku" mhh mungkin dy udah ngelupain gw, *aduh kasian banget sih gw* haha.

ya kira-kira begitulah cerita cinta pertama gw ..
harap di maklumi namanya juga cinta monyet :p

"kau tak akan tau betapa hancur hatiku, saat kau peluk dirinya aku takkan rela walau kau bukan milikku, seharusnya kau mengerti betapa ku mencintamu, walau kau tak akan pernah tau kan ku simpan cinta ini selamanya"

i'm still loving you Mr. Y :)

wakkss BOSAN !!

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anjriitt liburan macam apa ini?
kerjaannya di rumah doang, makan - nonton - online - tidur, makan - nonton - online - tidur ..
gilaaaaaa bosen boseeeeeen banget -_____-

ehh teman ajak gw maen dooongg *mukamelas*
gw butuh hiburan nih! gw pengen ketawa-tawa, teriak-teriakan, ahh temen-temen gw pada sibuk smua sama urusannya masing-masing (lagian ngapain juga mereka ngurusin gw --") ckck

rasanya jadi pengen cepet-cepet masuk sekolah!! *woof
yah tapi kalo udah masuk sekolah malah pengennya libur! *maunyaapacoba* ckck

gw kangen bangeeettt sama temen-temen di sekolah! huwaaa *mewek*
sama sahabat-sahabat gw juga! gw pengen gila-gilan bareng lu berdua *banget*
padahal rumah deket, tpi skarang udah jarang maen lagi, ya mungkin ini salah gw, gw kalo di ajak keluar suka ga mood :p hehehe *maap ye*

kapan kita bisa seharian autis-autisan sampe tepar? gw pengen kita bisa kaya dulu lagi sobat, ayo dong gw pengen banget seharian bareng kalian.. MISS ALL THE TIME :*

Jumat, 02 Juli 2010


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wahahaha ..
liburan kali ini ga cukup ngebosenin ya, itu sebabnya karena gw di ajak ke dufan sama si shiela, mhh lumayanlah gratisan! siapa sih yg ga mau gratisan? dufan pula.. terima rejeki aja gw mah :p (terimakasih ya shiela :* muahmuah)

malemnya gw ga bisa tidur sekitar jam 02:00 wib (maklum liburan suka tidur pagi terus) udah gw coba meremin nih mata, tp ntah knpa ga mau tidur-tidur, udah gw coba dengan berbagai macam cara udah gw coba ngitung bintang (masih jaman ya?), sampe guling-guling di tempat tidur tetep aja ga mau tidur -_-
gw pasang nih alarm hp 1 05:00, hp yg 1 nya lagi *pnya sodara* 05:30. gw pasrah deh, gw kira kan mau berangkat pagi makanya gw harus cepet-cepet tidur.

ceritanya lagi tidur nih .. (lagi mimpi) *ngeces*

gw baru bisa tidur jam stngah 3an dan ..

tinuninut dung trak trak dung trak trak (==") *ceritanya bunyi alarm*
gw pun terbangun sekitar jam 6an, sambil nunggu jam 8 gw muter-muter naek sepeda keliling perumahan. udah nyampe rumah jam 7an gw masih berleha-leha *nyantai* jam 8an kurang gw mandi siap-siap, and gw masih nunggu kabar dari si shiela. eh gw sms dy.

gw: udah bangun blm?
(ga ada jawaban - wahh jam segini masih belom ngabarin gw ni anak *panik* --")
sekitar jam 8an dy bales,
shiela: baru bangun -______-

(jah!!! *matamelotot*)

dan lain sebagainya! *intinya dy baru bangun tidur and blm ngapa-ngapain* ckck

gw udah nunggu ya kurang lebih 2 jam'an, msh smbil smsan sma dy, dy blang :
shiela: kak, layla blm bangun.
(APAAA?? gila! gw yg dari masih wangi udah sampe bau lagi dan trnyta si lele blom bangun! k*ampr*et!!) oh teganya teganya teganyaaaa .. jreeng

yaudalah gw sabar aja *huh hah huh hah*
gw bilang, cepet bangunin kalo udah beres sruh ke rumah aku

ya gw masih harus nunggu lama di rumah sampe si lele dateng, beberapa tahun kemudian *lebay* akhirnya dadang jugaa ..
gw minta di anterin sama sodara gw ke rumahnya shiela bareng si lele.

udah sampe nih di rumahnya si shiela, gw kira mah langsung brangkat *maunya* tp trnyata harus nunggu supirnya dateng dulu, oh god! oke gw sabar :)
dan ternyata disana nunggunya juga cukup lama -___- *krik krik*
ya ga bosen juga, bercanda and ketawa-ketawa ga jelas! hahaha ..

daritadi si shiela udah guling-guling di tanah pengen cepet berangkat, dy blng "apa kita naik taxi aja ya?" ya gw sih ngikut aje :p

yahh udah siang nih! jam 11an, supirnya belom dateng-dateng juga *woi mau gw pecat lu?* ckck
beberapa menit kemudian dadang juga supirnya *girang* okee semuanya naek ke mobil, kita berangkaaaaaattt ..
di mobil pada diem --" ngomong jga jarang, kalo gw msh ngantuk cz cma tidur 3,5 jam'an lah. perjalanan yg cukup sunyi ..

sesampainya di ancol *ceilehh*
kita masuk dufan, mhh wahan yg di tuju pertama kali yaitu kora-kora! antrian ga begitu panjang ya (pdahal liburan) gw udah nargetin duduk paling belakang *HARUS!* tp ternyata gw dapetnya barisan ke dua dari belakang, gpplah sama aja. perahu raksasa itupun di goyangkan, tp bukan goyangan ngebornya inul atau goyangan gergajinya dewi bersisik, ini goyangan lebih mantaaappsss *ngeces* dan adrenalin gw semakin menggebu-gebu *apa coba?* wuhuuuu pembukaan yg lumayanlah ..

anjiirr gw uda kaya orang gila, naek tornado lepas tangan --" di balik kaya sate gitu, mau mati kali gw, kalo kora-kora mah mendingan. ckck
ya pokoknya gw lebih interested sama wahana yg menantang adrenalin gw.
disana gw cma naek kicir-kicir 2 kali, tornado 2 kali, hysteria, niagara-gara, ontang-anting, pontang-panting, dll

sepanjang hari, (eh ga deng cuma setengah hari) gw bersenang-senang bersama mereka melepas penat. pokoknya seruuuu banget!
berhubung papanya shiela uda nunggu di luar (toh gw jga ga enak kan sama beliau kalau beliau harus nunggu lama) dan sebagai penutup kita bertiga naek kicir-kicir and tornado lagi (padahal gw msh mau naek terus-terusan). yaudah kita akhiri saja bersenang-senangnya untuk hari ini, masih ada laen kesempatan lagi (kalau masih panjang umur) amin.

pokoknya hari itu gw happy banget banget bangeett .. makasih ya buat shiela sama layla :)

27 - 06 - 2010
"salah satu memori yg ga akan gw lupain" (kisshugpoke) muahmuahh :*


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gw adalah seorang gadis belia yang beranjak dewasa..
gw hanyalah seorang gadis biasa..

ga banyak yang menarik dari diri gw..
gw hanya ingin membuat orang-orang di sekeliling gw bahagia..
cuma itu yang bisa gw perbuat..

membuat hari-hari menjadi lebih berwarna..

nama gw "Syifa Syauqy Alby", biasa di panggil chichi,
ntah kenapa gw bisa di panggil chichi padahal gw kan bukan orang cina --"
temen-temen gw aja pada bingung, apalagi gw.. haha

gw punya keluarga yg baik di mata orang-orang

and gw punya 2 orang sahabat, Tika and Yoshi ..
gw beruntung punya orang-orang kaya mereka :)
mereka yang selalu bisa ngebuat senyum, ketawa, wah pokoknya mereka yang ter-ter-ter-terbaiiiiiiiiik yg gw pnya *lebay deh ngomongnya* haha ..

gw itu orangnya, mhh.. gw itu "PEMALU" (WHAT??? seorang chichi pemalu?) ckckck. ya itu sih kalo sama orang yg belom di kenal, tapi kalo udah kenal mah malah malu-maluin! hahaha.. tp asik kok, GILA, malah kadang suka AUTIS sendiri, pokoknya SERU buat di ajak seru-seruan, wahahaha pd banget gw..

saat ini gw bersekolah di
SMAN 5 Tangerang,
naik ke kelas 12, ntah kelas 12 IPA berapa ..
yang pasti gw naik kelas! haha *girang*

udah ah, bingung gw mau nulis apaan tentang diri gw sendiri --"
berhubung udah maghrib stop dulu deh ngetiknya *ALIBI padahal mah bingung mau nulis apaan lagi* ckck ..
see ya :*